Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Post-Secondary Paths

Students have completed the Matchmaker survey on and from that survey, chosen a career from their results as their "chosen career." After completing a plan of study for their high school classes, it's now time to look at their post-secondary paths.

Choose the track that fits your career! You do not have to answer both. Make sure to get it approved by Mr. Stone in order to start your blog! 

Any Post-Secondary Schooling Track

In your chosen career, what is the education required? Next, find a school on CareerCruising in the state of Illinois that has an approved program. Answer the following questions
  • What school?
  • What is the enrollment of the entire school? How many students are undergraduate?
  • What is the expense?
Finally, describe a sample career path for your chosen career in your own words. What are the responsibilities of each level of the career path? What are the working conditions? Tell me how this career fits your interests and why you would like to work in this field. 

Workforce Track

In your chosen career, what is the education required? What other type of training might be needed specifically for your career? (Look at CareerCruising's education/training section)

Describe a sample career path for your chosen career in your own words. What are the responsibilities of each level of the career path? Is there a significant pay raise associated with the promotions? What are the working conditions? Tell me how this career fits your interests and why you would like to work in this field. 

Finally, take a look at the interviews associated with your career on CareerCruising. Summarize what one of the interviewees does on a daily basis. Also, take a look at "Questions/Answers" and "Breakdown of Activities" in the interview section to help you summarize one of the interviews. 

Put some thought into your responses! These should be well written and thought out completely. Remember, "read, THINK, then write," don't just "read then write!" Happy blogging!

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